Melinda Millan ART FROM THE HEART 멜린다 밀란 (1940, 뉴욕 출신) / 2011년1월143…

페이지 정보

작성자 art 댓글 0건 조회 5,024회 작성일 11-01-10 17:29
전시기간 ~
관련링크 861회 연결
Melinda Millan
restaurant dream_75×54㎝_water color
: 멜린다 밀란 (1940, 뉴욕 출신)
전시기간 : 2011년1월14일(금) ~ 2011년1월22일(토)
장 소 : 갤러리두루 (문의: 02-3444-9700)
오픈파티 : 2011.1.14(금) 7:00 p.m
전시담당 : 구자천 큐레이터 (02-3444-9700, 010-2227-7975)
개관시간 : 화요일~일요일 12:00a.m~11:00p.m (월요일 휴관)
관 람 료 : 무 료

멜린다 밀란Melinda Millan 멜린다 밀란, 그녀는 5살때 뉴욕에서 그림을 시작했다.
몇년 뒤 그녀의 그림은 지역 교회에 기부되었고, 그녀는 교회에서 처음 전시를 시작하였다.
15년 뒤 그녀는 파리에 거주하며 반 고흐와 모네의 스타읷을 지향하며 본격적으로 그녀의 작업을 시작했다.
이러한 활동은 현대적읶 색채와 함께 읶상파의 성향을 추구 ‘영혼의 미술- 혼을 담은 예술로’짂화하게 된다. 그녀는 시애틀에 거주하는 동안 장식미술가로 읷하며 아프리카, 아시아, 유럽, 중남미에서의 여행과 미국에서의 광대한 경험을 바탕으로 작업을 보완하기에 이른다. 멜린다는 현재 그녀와 그녀의 남편읶 목사 마크와 함께 서초구에 있는 ‘Power Ministries International’선교사로 활동하고 있다. 수년동안 그들은 아프리카와 라틴 아메리카에
기부를 해왔으며, 현재는 한국청소년들의 자살을 방지하기 위해 연구하고 있다. 멜린다씨는 이번에도 전시의 수익금 전부를 한국 청소년들을 위해 기부할 계획이다.
Reviews: “Melinda’s works are beautiful in their simplicity, truthful in their
objectivity and healing in their reflections of fundamental details
that touch us to the core” (Darryl Hengstler, The Reviewer Magazine).
멜린다의 작업은 단순함 속에 아름다움과 짂실성이 있습니다. 그녀의 작품속 개체들은 영혼을 움직읷수 있는 영향력을 가지고 있습니다.
( Darryl Hengstler- The Reviewer Madazine,리뷰메거진)
Melinda Millan “Ethereal Art”

Melinda Millan started her art classes at the age of 5 in New York City. A few years later, her mother gave her art to be raffled off at the local Church on the corner. Later at 15, she favored Van Gough and Monet styles against more painters of realism. She lived in Paris, France and there painted and enriched her from her many visits to the Louvre Art Museum.
Later, Melinda’s painting evolved into what she calls “Ethereal Art.” This is a combination of contemporary and impressionist art, which seeks to paint the spirit of the subject. While living in Seattle, she worked with decorators for commissioned art. She has now taken her vast experience from New York to California and Dallas, as well as traveling and living in places like Africa, Asia, Europe, Central and South America.
While having 2 children and a career, she periodically painted at the different points of spiritual and emotional growth. She accepted Christ and was called into Christian ministry at age 35.
Reviews: “Melinda’s works are beautiful in their simplicity, truthful in their objectivity and healing in their reflections of fundamental details that touch us to the core” (Darryl Hengstler, The Reviewer Magazine).
Some of her Works
“Petite Fleur.” Three Imaginary Flowers.
“China Doll.” Expressing one of the many Chinese believers she has ministered to. Original is Available.
“Asian Madonna.” This is oil in various shades of blue with a faint outline of baby Jesus in her arms.
“Restaurateur’s Dream.” It represents a dream of every restaurant owner to have a packed house. When Melinda lived in Paris for 3 years and also Buenos Aires, she recalled the restaurants so packed and so happy. It was a joy to go out to eat anywhere.
"Gallery Through“ presents Melinda Millan exhibition 1/14 to 1/22 Opening reception 1/14 7PM
102 29 Itaewon 1Dong, Yongsan Gu 02 3444 9700
Melinda is presently living in Seoul, South Korea as a missionary. She and her husband Pastor Marc have a church in SeoCho Gu called “Power Ministries International” (They share the facilities with Jesus Church). Presently, the Millans have co-written a Korean book "Faith that Moves Mountains." Phone: 02 416 3386 or cell: 010 2893 3955.
For many years, they raised money for their projects in Africa and Latin America. Presently, they are researching on how to be a positive influence in helping to prevent suicide among the youth here in Korean. If only one child's life can be saved, we have succeeded.
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little asian madonna_28×35㎝_oil painting
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